Healthy Habits in Wise County
With the opening of the new Fit-n-Wise facility next to the hospital many different options for exercise are now available. Looking to mix up what has become boring? Maybe even try something a little unusual? How about PADDLE BOARD YOGA??!!
Imagine floating weightlessly while staring at a crystal blue sky dipping fingers and toes in the pool as you stretch on what looks like a giant blow up mattress. You will be coaxed into various positions by the calming and patient voice of the instructor. Don’t be deceived, though! The workout is strenuous and balancing is hard!! Just as your muscles have serious feelings about being stretched any further and you have to dig deep to finish wispy clouds start to appear followed by a sliver of moon producing an immediate calming effect.
You may or may not be experiencing regret for not having worked out more, but at the end of the challenging routine you lay back practicing deep breathing surrounded by a perfect Texas sunset. What more can you ask from exercise?
Please call their front office for the latest class schedule. (940) 627-2708