Cowgirl Crap Boutique
Women’s Boutique with Cowgirl Flair featuring Consuela bags and merchandise, jewelry, gifts and home decor.

Texas Tourist Camp Complex
The Texas Tourist Camp and Petrified Wood Gas Station stand like relics from that by-gone era on the east side of Decatur, an old Chisholm trail town which used to be the site of the Decatur Baptist…

Gose Trees
Gose Trees Planted in 1861
402 W Walnut St, Decatur, TX
Remnant of bois d’arc hedge which encircled the log cabin of Stephen M. Gose (1824-77), early justice of the peace, blacksmith, and leader of Methodist church, who came…

A Town Square
A town square is the heart of the community, an intimate grouping of old-fashioned buildings that still have a very relevant purpose. It is a place that is not only an architectural gem, but a hub that…

Ten Things You Might Not Know About Trinity Street Coffee Bar
They roast their own coffee
They have a rewards program for coffee drinks – 10th one is on them!
In the evening they offer beautiful craft cocktails such as Moscow Mules, Irish Coffees, Whiskey Sours, Old…

Eight Days in Paradise
During the throes of the Great Depression, desperate times led to desperate, reckless activities. Texas became a hotbed for criminals. The most notorious being Bonnie and Clyde, but a bank robber was making quite a name for…

Moth Man
Curiouser & Curiouser
Many are familiar with the story of the “Moth Man”, but how many know he supposedly made an appearance in Wise County? In June of 2003 a postal worker witnessed deer being chased by two…

There is crispness in the air ~ a hint of fall ~ a hint of something new.
Without a doubt, it is a new season at the Center for Animal Research and Education in Bridgeport (C.A.R.E.). After experiencing several devastating deaths of beloved animals this past year, there is now much to celebrate –…

Healthy Habits in Wise County
With the opening of the new Fit-n-Wise facility next to the hospital many different options for exercise are now available. Looking to mix up what has become boring? Maybe even try something a little unusual? How about PADDLE BOARD…

112 West Walnut
Open the door to 112 W Walnut and find yourself enveloped by the enticing aroma of vanilla from Sweetwater Café & Bakery, but this building is much more than sugar and spice. No building on the Decatur…

Same Old Reunion?
“There are two special occasions each year in Decatur ~ Christmas and Reunion.” Sue Cocanougher
As temperatures inch toward 100 degrees one word enters Decaturites minds-REUNION! Most know Reunion as a county-wide tradition with a carnival atmosphere. Approximately…

Building On
On a small, non-descript street just off the Decatur town square sits a little white house bearing a coveted historical marker paying homage to S.W. Tilghman. Who was Mr. Tilghman and what made him important to Decatur, Texas?
As Pioneers moved…

Opera House
The late 19th century ushered in the Progressive Era in Texas. The state was on the verge of an oil boom and new citizens, full of optimism, were flocking to new…

There is a little piece of paradise in Stony, Texas where history comes alive.
Bill Marquis has always loved anything old…old buildings, old objects, old people. He loves telling stories and anything that tells a story. He makes his home on land that was part of the original legendary 6666 Ranch….

Preserving the Craftsmanship of the Past
There is no way even to begin to categorize Bill Marquis –except extraordinary. Listening to him talk is like learning from a Master. He is a self-taught restorer of historical cabins all around Texas. When asked how…

Texglass, Inc. (Decatur Glass)
“The rhythm and timing of the movements of glassmaking always have been and always will be fascinating. A good deal of the process is standard procedure with a certain amount of innovation” Herman Rosenzweig
Every once in a…

Valentine’s Day plans? Need a get-away? Your wedding party needs a place to stay? Know someone who does? Decatur’s best kept- secret is the Courthouse Suites Bed and Breakfast. Three beautifully appointed rooms, each with a distinctive…

Situated on a quiet 27 acres in Bridgeport, The Center for Animal Research and Education is an animal lover’s paradise. It is a sanctuary, which by very definition is a place of refuge and safety. Large, well-kept…

Greenwood Artist, Rick Duwe, Completes Mural
Every morning as he started work on the “Greetings from Decatur” mural on the east side of the square, Greenwood artist Rick Duwe took time for prayer.
“I’d lay my hand on that wall and say, ‘God, paint…

Southern Hospitality – Memory Lane Mercantile
Much has been said about small town, Southern hospitality. In Decatur, Texas it is real and embodied in Memory Lane Mercantile proprietor, Jennifer Smurthwaite. Jennifer sees hospitality as her gift and gifted she is.
Upon entering her store,…